Rolf Valton Christie
(Municipal Mayor)
This 2012/13 Annual Report of !Kheis Municipality, which reflects our service delivery and development achievements and challenges, is presented in recognition of our obligation to be an accountable and transparent organization. Such annual reporting is also required from South African municipalities in terms of various pieces of legislation, such as Section 46 of the Local Government: Municipal System Act No. 32 of 2000 and Section 121 and 127(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act No.56 of 2003.
The Municipality recorded progress in achieving objectives in terms of the five key performance areas applicable to local government, as are reflected below and outlined in this Annual Report:
- Basic service delivery and infrastructure development
- Municipal transformation and development
- Local economic development
- Municipal financial viability and management
- Good governance and public participation
(a) Provision of potable water to 80% of households, with the exception of some smallholdings and farms.
(b) Provision of water and sanitation connection to new households.
(c) Achievement of 100% compliance with drinking water standards (South Africa National Standards 241).
(d) Implementing renewable energy projects (e.g. solar heating and wind energy) with reference to the Bokpoort Solar Project.
(e) Introduction of a co-operative development and support program in ode to stimulate job creation.
(f) Creating of 47 full-time equivalent jobs and more than 150 work opportunities through the Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP).
(g) Embarking on the development for a SDF for !Kheis LM in conjunction with DRDLR.
This Annual Report serves as a record of and accounting mechanism to communities on the institution’s achievements and challenges, as well as the mitigation and remedial measures implemented to address the latter. While it reflects that progress has been made in service delivery, there are undeniably challenges. To strengthen and streamline the institution and its operations to enable the institution to expand service delivery to the residents of !Kheis Municipality, inter alia the following interventions/actions will be prioritized in the year ahead:
(a) Stabilizing the administration by filling key strategic vacancies.
(b) Sourcing available national and international funding to augment key service delivery projects and replace aging and poor infrastructure.
(c) Re-establishing the Ward Committee System to enhance effective public participation.
(d) Making the vision and mission of the municipality our motto to provide a strategic thrust for the Municipality’s long term development planning.
(e) Addressing irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and improving the audit opinion by the Audit-General and introducing corrective measures towards obtaining a clean audit.
(f) Review of Supply Chain Management Policy, system and processes.
(g) Vigorously instilling a culture of performance within the institution.
(h) Promoting financial discipline and management.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Councilors, officials, and the residents of !Kheis Local Municipality area for their dedication, support and co-operation, which enable the institution to excel and withstanding all challenges.
Slogan “Service delivery begins with me”