The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial management of the Municipality. This department consists of, but is not limited to the following:
- Annual budgets and financial statements;
- Investments and cash flow management;
- Administration of general ledgers and funds;
- Asset Management, including insurance of assets;
- Administration of income and expenditure;
- Administration of all finance related policies;
- Payroll administration
- To ensure a fully capacitated organizational structure to address powers and functions, roles and responsibilities.
- Initiate priority skills acquisition in line with JIPSA
- To accommodate customer care functioning within office space requirements
- To ensure that !Kheis Municipality remains financially viable through:
- Ensuring that all properties are on the valuation roll and receiving Municipal services
- and are properly recorded on the billing database
- Tariffs are modeled on cost recovery
- Reduced outstanding debts
- Improving debt collection rate in line with National norms
- Reduced debt turnaround period in line with National norms
- Enhanced revenue base
- To enhance financial management practices within !Kheis to sustain the institution as a going concern
- Ensure 100% receipt of funds registered in the DoRA
- Address all matters associated with audit report
- Present Annual Financial Statements to Auditor – General in compliance with section 126 of MFMA
- Strengthen oversight function and performance of SDBIP