Mr. Donovan Block

Chief Financial Officer

054 833 9500

The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial management of the Municipality. This department consists of, but is not limited to the following:

  • Annual budgets and financial statements;
  • Investments and cash flow management;
  • Administration of general ledgers and funds;
  • Asset Management, including insurance of assets;
  • Administration of income and expenditure;
  • Administration of all finance related policies;
  • Payroll administration


  • To ensure a fully capacitated organizational structure to address powers and functions, roles and responsibilities.
  • Initiate priority skills acquisition in line with JIPSA
  • To accommodate customer care functioning within office space requirements
  • To ensure that !Kheis Municipality remains financially viable through:
  • Ensuring that all properties are on the valuation roll and receiving Municipal services
  • and are properly recorded on the billing database
  • Tariffs are modeled on cost recovery
  • Reduced outstanding debts
  • Improving debt collection rate in line with National norms
  • Reduced debt turnaround period in line with National norms
  • Enhanced revenue base
  • To enhance financial management practices within !Kheis to sustain the institution as a going concern
  • Ensure 100% receipt of funds registered in the DoRA
  • Address all matters associated with audit report
  • Present Annual Financial Statements to Auditor – General in compliance with section 126 of MFMA
  • Strengthen oversight function and performance of SDBIP